Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Do These Fools Listen to Themselves?

More from the Londoner thread. 

Let's see - Rude? Check. Condescending? Check. Downright Nasty? Check.

Rude Condescending Downright Nasty should be the title of GOMI and keepcalmandsnark has the nerve to call someone else out?  Buy some mirrors, GOMI-ots. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Kids are Fair Game ?

Cecily is yet another target of the GOMI-ots.  The way they attack her is bad enough but this week they took their venom to the her SEVEN YEAR OLD.

That's right.  These lunatics can also diagnose parental neglect over the internet.  Funny considering they mercilessly attack poor Gina at Fitnessista over her seeing an actual natural Dr online.

GOMI-ots, do you have collective comprehension issues?  Blogging is not EDtv.  Blogger's are not on a live feed 24/7.  You only get to see what they want you to see.  You have no idea what happens outside those pictures and stories you're allowed to see.


Forbes, did you know you were giving a spot on your list to a site that allows forum discussion of the body size and emotional well being of a SEVEN year old?  A SEVEN year old none of these people have EVER even been in the same room with?

How Sad Must Your Life Be?

How sad must your life be when you have it in you to get this worked over the word "grew"?

Seriously, BattyvonBattershoff are you being held hostage and forced to read Gluten Free Girl?

Stalker Justification

Here's another example of stalking justification from the GOMI-ots.

One of their favorite targets of bullying is Gina over at Fitnessista

Someone on Gina's thread asked where her sister in law had been and a poster posted her HOME ADDRESS.  In fairness the owner of GOMI did come behind them and remove the address but not before this justification was posted by nwtx1293

That's right everybody, it's on Google so you're fair stalker game.

Approval ?

Jenna from That Wife Blog is another "favorite" punching bag of the GOMI-ots.

Look at that, Jenna.  According to freethecheese your family schedule means you hate having kids.  

But on the bright side that same schedule is a - OK with eina.  I know her approval must ease your mind so. 

What the hell?  These people actually think it's their place to pass judgement on a family travel schedule?

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Time to Fight Back

So there's a website called Get Off My Internets.  GOMI for short.  They claim it's a snark site but in truth it's nothing more than a hate site for so called adults.

This group of women sit around picking apart bloggers, dissecting their bodies, stalking them and their families online, commenting about their children and husbands and so much worse.

This screen cap of a post from 'Lorelai Gilmore' in The Londoner thread really sums up the whole site.

In their own words bragging about stalking a bloggers mom on Ebay (which I'm pretty sure violates Ebay policy).  To top it off they consider their illegal stalking to be impressive.  They sit around patting themselves on the back for this kind of behavior all the time. 

I think it's time for these criminals to be held accountable.  As I come across examples of cyber bullying or stalking or anything else I'll post it here.  If you find anything you'd like to add or if you've been victimized by them and just want to vent please do.  Comments will always be open.